Sunday 9 June 2013

Farewell Quotes

Goodbyes and farewells are something that no one ever wants to face. Regardless of whether it's a friendship or close romantic relationship, it's never easy. Sometimes, when it's time to say goodbye, there is no other choice.

Farewell Quotes

Farewell Quotes

Farewell Quotes

Farewell Quotes

Farewell Quotes

Farewell Quotes

Farewell Quotes

Farewell Quotes

Farewell Quotes

Some relationships just don't work out, and sometimes, there are other things standing in the way. You may have to move away or the person you are close to may have a life-threatening condition that takes them to a better place. Goodbyes are a part of everyone's life. While there is no bright side to saying farewell, there are a few quotes that you might find comforting:

1. "We Only Part to Meet Again" John Gay

This is often true in most cases. A lot of people don't see it that way, but it really can happen. For example, if you're graduating from college or high school, you know there are likely to be a lot of friends who you may not ever see again, but over the years, you make it a point to catch up. They find you and you find them. It's an almost automatic part of life that occurs without even trying. People are continuously bumping into one another in odd places at odd times because that's just the way it goes. Call it fate or call it destiny, but most of the time, you do find those you have missed and it ultimately makes up for all the time you spent apart.

2. "Don't Be Dismayed at Good-Bye's. A Farewell is Necessary Before You Can Meet Again. And Meeting Again, After Moments or Lifetimes, is Certain For Those Who Are Friends" Richard Bach

When people part, it's often not forever, regardless of the relationship. If you're faced with a circumstance that requires you to say goodbye to a close friend, one thing to keep in mind is that if you were ever truly friends in the first place, there is no way that the bond can be broken. Nothing can come between two people who really care about one another. They will always find their way back.

3. "All Farewells Should Be Sudden, When Forever" Lord Byron

There is a lot of truth to this quote as well. Someone who has to say farewell should not let it drag out. Life is so much easier when farewells are sudden, that way you're not continuously dreading the moment your loved one has to go and are able to enjoy the present. If you are the one who is saying goodbye, you automatically know that there will be people that do not want you to go and who will try to convince you otherwise. Sometimes, it's also a good thing to not even know that we ourselves have to go until the time has arrived.

4. "It's Been an Incredible Ride. Mission Accomplished. With That, I Have to Bid Farewell. I'm the Happiest Person In The World Right Now...It's Better Than I Ever Thought It Would Be" Jerome Bettis

This farewell quote is proof that not all journeys have to end in tears. Oftentimes, a farewell is nothing more than a passing from one phase of life to another. Maybe you've quit your job because you knew it wasn't right for you, or maybe you received a promotion that requires you to relocate. It's possible that you've decided to take on a new attitude and bid farewell to the "old you". Saying goodbye in a lot of cases is the best thing to do, because it allows room for growth and better things to come.

5. "Man's Feelings Are Always Purest and Most Glowing In The Hour of Meeting and Of Farewell" Jean Paul Richter

You can look at this quote in a variety of ways. One way goes back to the fact that farewells are not always forever. When you meet with someone again, you're flooded with emotions that seem to overflow from your heart and shine through you onto the one you've missed. When it's time to say goodbye (or bid a temporary farewell), those emotions are just as strong, if not stronger. You're more likely to talk about your feelings for that person and realize how much you've enjoyed their presence in your life. People rarely realize how important someone is to them until it's time for them to go, be it only for a little while, or forever.

Farewells can definitely be devastating, that is why everyone should always take time to appreciate everyone in their life because eventually, everyone will have to bid farewell. Nothing in life is forever, nor is anything in life certain. Sometimes it's nice to not think about these things, but regardless, they are still an inevitable part of life. The best way to view a farewell is in a positive light no matter how sad it may seem.