Wednesday 19 June 2013

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley has been responsible for making Reggae music world known. He has created most amazing and captivating songs ever made in the history of Reggae music. He is one of the most inspiring and intellectual person ever lived on planet earth.

Bob Marley Quotes provides us a glimpse of his outlook towards life and music. Some of his quotes are awe-inspiring from which teaches us great variety of lessons. In this article, I'm going to share with you my favorite Bob Marley Quotes.

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley Quotes

1- Open your eyes look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living?

Have you ever asked yourself this question whether you are satisfied with the kind of life you are living? If not it's time to ask yourself this question. Sit in a place where there is no one to disturb you. Close your eyes and asked yourself where I'm going in my life? What is the essence of my life? And Am I really contended with the way I'm living my life? You'll get all of these answers from your inner self. This will help you know what you actually want in life. And as Ben Stein observed, "The indispensable first step to getting the things that you want out of life is this: decide what you want."

2- Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate

Life is full of ups and down. They are part of life. Everyone has to go through tough time. But neither tough time nor happy time last forever. They come one after another. Just like night comes after day and day comes after night. We, therefore, should not get trembled and flummoxed when riding through ruts. Instead, we should be contended and keep ourselves cool no matter what time of life we are going through

3- Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny.

It's you who has to decide where you want to go. Everything is in you hands. Every thing is completely is in your control. Your destiny is in your own hands.

4- When one door is closed, don't you know, another is open.

This is one of my favorite bob Marley quotes. In fact, I would say when one door is closed thousand of others doors are open. We just have to shift our focus from that closed door and veer off to new doors.